
Scratch Support FAQs

Scratch was discontinued in 2015. Thank you for buying and using Scratch, we really appreciate it.

Scratch was discontinued in 2015. Thank you for buying and using Scratch, we really appreciate it.

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Can I export to Evernote? 

The best way to export notes directly to Evernote is to configure a custom email action that sends in the background. You’ll need your personal Evernote email address. If you don’t already have one:


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How do I export to Dropbox? 

To export a note to Dropbox, touch the Action button in the main toolbar. By first selecting only part of your note, you’ll be able to export only that selection. If you haven’t already linked your Dropbox account, you’ll be asked to do so. After linking, you can choose to create a new file in your Dropbox account or select an existing text file to append to. If you create a new file, you’ll choose a location and give the new file a name. If you choose to append to an existing file, you’ll choose one from your Dropbox.

Scratch will send your note (or selection) content to Dropbox in the background.


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How do I change the custom toolbar buttons? 

Swipe to the customizable toolbar. It’s between the default toolbar (with Clear, History and Action) and the Markdown toolbar (with Bold, Italic, etc). Touch and hold on any of the customizable buttons. When instructed, choose any other key from your keyboard to set the new button’s value.


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How do I access the other toolbars? 

Additional toolbars are accessed by swiping left or right on the main toolbar (the blue-green bar with the 3 buttons above the keyboard). If you swipe right you will see the Settings toolbar which includes a settings button as well as word/character count. Swipe left from the main toolbar to reveal the Custom toolbar which shows 7 customizable buttons. An additional left swipe from here reveals the Markdown toolbar with handy buttons for common Markdown formatting.


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How can I delete old notes? 

Notes can be deleted by viewing History and swiping right on any note. Alternately, you can tap the action button and delete the current note by tapping the trash icon in the upper right corner.


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Does Scratch have a URL Scheme? 

Scratch can be launched from other apps such as Launch Center Pro or a link on the web by using Scratch’s URL Scheme.


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Are there Scratch Bookmarklets? 

Yes! We’ve compiled a few useful ones.


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