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Can I export to Evernote? 

The best way to export notes directly to Evernote is to configure a custom email action that sends in the background. You’ll need your personal Evernote email address. If you don’t already have one:

  1. Log into your Evernote account on the web
  2. In the upper right corner select “Settings”
  3. At the bottom “Account Summary” you’ll see a section labelled “Email Notes to”. Here you either already have an email address set up or can configure one easily.

Now it’s time to create a Scratch email action for Evernote.

  1. Swipe the toolbar left to access the settings button. Tap it.
  2. In Settings select “Manage Export Options”
  3. At the bottom of the Export Manager tap “Create new custom email export”
  4. You’re now presented with a view to configure your email export. For the “Title” name the action anything you want though “Evernote” is probably a good choice. The “Subject” defaults to the first line of your note which will end up being the title of your note on Evernote. You can also add Evernote tags to the subject which will not appear in the note title but will instead be applied as a tag. For example if you have a tag called “Recipes” you can add “#Recipes” after the first line placeholder in the subject. In the “To” field paste your Evernote email address.
  5. If you scroll down there are three more options. We recommend checking “Send Instantly?” So the email will send immediately in the background without a prompt. This is means your notes get to Evernote quick. Decide whether you want the first line removed from the body of the note and whether you want the note sent as plain text or HTML.

And that’s it! Close out of Settings and try sending a new note to Evernote via Email.